Friday, 11 July 2014

Reserach 2-Channel 4 news

This shows my second piece of research which I have done into TV news. In this research I have analysed channel 4 news because it is a different news compared to Anglia news  which I analysed last time so it gives me the opportunity to compare both news clip.

This shows the opening sequence of the news and again it starts of with a sequence which is in sync with the music. Also it is in the common colour scheme which is used through out this news and this gives the news an identity and makes it unique to the audience.
This shows the first shot in this news clip. It shows a mid shot of the news presenter who is sitting facing the camera to engage and inform the audience. Also we see a screen in the background which shows the audience the news story that the presenter is talking about. This seem to be a common theme through out news clip as the last clip I analysed also used a screen to inform the audience.  The news presenter is wearing formal clothing and this is to come across as informative to the audience and also to like of an authority because by wearing formal clothing the audience will engage and listen more to the presenter than if she was wearing non-formal clothing.

This shows the next shot in this news clip and it is a long shot of 3 people with the screen in the background informing the audience about the news article they are discussing. It is a clip of a recent discussion which has happened on the news and it is related to the new story they are covering.  The background within the studio follows the common colour scheme which is used throughout this news. The two people who are sitting around the main presenter are guests on the news and this is to engage the audience and inform them on the news story. By getting real life guests to explain the story/debate they are engaging the audience as the guests have more knowledge on the subject than the presenter.
This shows the next shot within the news clip and it is of a tweet which is sparking this news story. It is used to inform the audience about the story and what coursed it. The shot is a close up and this is so that the audience can clear read and see the tweet.  

This shows the next shot within this news clip. It shows the audience what David Cameron has said about the story they are discussing. The image on the screen is used clearly to inform the audience that it is David Cameron along with the text under the image. The screen is also spilt in two as on the right hand side it shows the people still sitting in the studio and this is to keep the audience interested while also listening to what David Cameron had to say about the story. The screen is also in the same colour scheme which is followed through this news clip.    
This shows the next shot within this news clip. It is a close up of Ed Miliband and this is informing the user about the news story they are covering . On the screen there is a graphic which is informing the audience about who the person is speaking and also the news logo can be seen in the bottom right hand corner of the screen which is used to give the news an identity and make it clear to the audience what news they are watching. 
This shows the next shot within this news clip and it is of a member of the public telling the news about their opinion on the story. By going out and asking the public it is engaging the audience into the news story because they are part of the public and therefore the people they are interviewing my have similar views to themselves. It also means that the audience can see what the general feeling about this story is throughout the wider public.   
This is shows the next shot within the news clip and it is a long shot of the studio showing that they are video calling one  of the main people within the story they are reporting. This shot is used to show the audience that the video call is live and it shows them the layout of the studio. The studio does not look like a relaxed setting with the desk and this makes the news feel more informing and professional.   

This shows one of the last shots in the news clip as this is followed with the ending sequence of the news. This shows a close up shot of one of the main people within the news story they are reporting on. The close up shot is used to show the audience her facial expressions and this allows the audience to see her emotions. We also see that a graphic appears along the bottom informing the audience about who this person is.


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