Research 3- Channel 5 news
For my third research I looked at channel 5 news and I compared this clip to the other clips I have previously analysed. I have only analysed to first 7 minutes of this clip along with the weather at the end and this due to its length.
This shows the first shot within this clip and it is of the opening sequence with some music. This used to identify the news to the audience and make it clear to them what news they are watching. Also the sound used within this openings sequence gives a sense of urgency which engages the audience and makes them want to find out about the latest news. The graphic on screen is also used to attract the audience and it is in the colours of the news channel which is consistent through out. This is a common theme I have noticed throughout my research as all the TV news clip I have analysed have all used a consistent colour theme along with an opening sequence to attract the audience and give the news an identity.
This shows the next shot within this news clip and it is a mid shot of the presenter standing in the studio holding notes. The use of holding notes makes the audience feel more informed as it gives the presenter a sense of authority and makes her look more informing. The presenter is also wearing formal clothing which again make her look informing to the audience. This shot is before the actual news begins as it is a preview of what is going to be on the news, so it is informing the audience about what stories they can expect to hear about. This used to attract the audience by making them aware of what stories are going to be covered in this news clip.
This shows a shot of the opening sequence which is in between the presenter talking about news story which are going to be covered though out this news clip. The sequence is in the same consistent colour theme and it is used to split up the preview of the news from the actual news clip so the audience know when the news is starting.
This shows a mid shot of a reporter on the news outside the scene of the main story and this shot comes straight after the sequence after the preview. This is a common theme which I have noticed when analysing news clip as it attracts the audience and makes them feel more informed about the story where the reporter is reporting from the scene. There is also a graphic in the bottom right hand corner of the screen and this is used to inform the audience about where the reporter is reporting from.
This shows the next shot within the clip and it is back in the studio with the presenter this time sitting down behind a desk in a formal manner facing the camera front on. By doing this it makes the audience feel more informed and engaged into the news as the presenter looks professional and formal. This is opposed to the news clip I analysed previously where the presenters was sitting on a sofa in a more relax setting. There is also the background graphic with the number 5 on it and this again identifying the news to the audience. Also in the background is the TV screen which is used to inform the reader about the story the presenter is talking about.
This shows the next shot within the news clip and it is of the main person the story is about. This is a common theme throughout the news clips I have analysed as they always seem to interview the main person in the story they are reporting on. This is to help inform the audience even further about the story.
This sows the next shots within the clip and it is of the members of the public giving their views on the story. However, they are not giving their views to the news in the normal way of speaking to the camera they are holding up a piece of paper to give their views. This used to engage the audience and makes the news less boring because if they went with the normal approach of speaking to the public then the audience may be bored but by doing something different it will keep the audience interested.
This shows the weather which is at the end of the news and it separated from the rest of the news with an opening sequence . This is used to inform the audience that the news has finished and the weather is coming up. The shot itself is a midshot of the weather reporter who is standing to the left of the screen with the main information on the right hand side of the screen. The graphic on the screen is used to inform the audience about the upcoming weather and the reporter is going into more detail about the information presented on screen. Also the graphic on screen is in the common colour scheme of the news and this help's to give the weather an identity.
This shows the last shot on the weather and it is again of a mid shot of the weather reporter but this time the weather map is located on the right hand side of the screen and the presenter is talking to the audience about the upcoming weather. Also in the bottom right hand corner the graphic is used to show the audience what time the weather on screen is going to be at and it is in the common colour theme which has been portrayed throughout this news clip.
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