Tuesday 15 July 2014

Research 5 - By Ashley Thorpe - Sky News

The next clip that I analysed was a clip from Sky News about UKIP Leader Nigel Farage, who was defending his campaign posters running up to the European elections.


This is one of the first shots of the clip. The major differences from my previous clip, apart from the colours and institution that produces it is that in this clip, they use a split view of the newsreader/interviewer and the person in question, in this case Nigel Farage. This is used as opposed to the interviewer being in the same room as the interviewee. It also means that graphics describing the story can be displayed during the interview, as shown below.

Also in this clip, Farage is standing in the middle of Sheffield. This is good, as it means there can be real life reactions to the points he is making, one such reaction is that a few people walk by off camera and call him a racist. Also in the background, you can see one of the controversial posters that this story is on about, adding more context to the story.

By using this graphic of another of the controversial posters, it is adding even more context to the story and the points that Farage is making in the run up to the election. The next shot uses a split view, similar to when Farage is being interviewed, but with a picture of the poster, instead of the interviewer, although, you can still hear the interviewer.

This split view would help people understand the story a bit more, as they can see the poster in question and Farage talking about it. This is a good feature to have, as it could be discussed in depth by the interviewer and interviewee and the viewers can see what they are on about.

This next graphic is also there for context. The point made by Farage is that he selected the woman to speak about why she is voting UKIP, however, it is revealed by her Twitter account that she works for Nigel Farage, as shown in this graphic. This undermines the points that Farage has put forward so far about her.




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