Tuesday 15 July 2014

Research 7- By Ben Jones - Anglia Tonight

As we have decided to produce a clip from regional TV News I will be analysing clips from existing TV news the first is ITV News Anglia. Below is the link to the video.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQrGtsGjEfQ

This is one of the opening sequences of the clip, as we can see the clip sets the scene of the whole studio by using an establishing shot. This also gives us a look at the mise-en-scene that is used, the presenters set a very formal dress code especially the male presenter who is wearing a suit and tie. This is even matched by the guest being interviewed, this shows that the broadcast will be very formal. They are sitting behind a desk which gives the impression of organisation and formality. Also in the background we can see the ITV logo on a TV screen behind the main presenters. this makes it clear that the news is created by ITV.
On the news there are guests that have been invited into the studio to give an interview relating to news stories featured in the broadcast. This gives viewers the chance to hear more about a story and it allows the viewers to gain a different perspective/viewpoints on the stories.

The hosts are sitting in front of a background featuring a famous landmark presumably in the Anglia region. This allows the broadcast to identify itself with the east and gives the audience something to look at, at the same time. If they were just sitting in front of a blank wall the audience wouldn't be enthused and most likely watch the news on another channel.

Their are a lot of reporters that are out on location reporting back to the studio, almost every story has a reporter on the road. This reflects well on the news itself as it shows they are active and are on top of all of the news stories as and when they develop. When her name tag appears we can see a clear house style of blue occurring, this is replicated in the studio and all of the graphics for the duration of the broadcast.                      

All of the print screens above are from the weather broadcast, as we can see they have strayed from the usual of having a weather broadcast from the other side of the studio. Also there is a short preview of the weather before the full length version, this allows people who may not have much time to view the forecast. Another convention that I have noticed is the fact that the weather map isn't the only weather graphic that is present. There are graphics telling the audience about the amount of rainfall or temperatures with the voice of the presenter becoming non-diegetic sound.  

ITV chooses to separate the main news and the sport report, the sport report is situated at the end of the bulletin after the main news. The format is pictures being talked over by the sports presenter. The sport bulletin is much shorter than the main news and their isn't a lot of elaboration on the stories or reactions shown.

 Although the sports report isn't the very last item in the bulletin, at the end is a feature where the viewers had the chance to send in their pictures of the snow in their area. This allows the bulletin to end on a happy uplifting note and attract the audience as they have actually inputted so will be inclined to watch it.



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